Glossary of terms used about the end of life

Below we explain some words used in this information.

Advance care planning: Thinking about, and planning for, how you wish to be cared for at the end of life.

Advance decision to refuse treatment (ADRT): This is a written document that states any treatments you wish to refuse in the future. It is only used if you are unable to express your wishes later on.

Advance statement or Preferred Priorities of Care (PPC): A written document that states what your wishes are for your care and treatment. This can include your preferred place of death and your preferred place of care.

Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR): This expresses your wish for doctors to not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation if your heart stops.

End of life care: End of life care is part of palliative care and is for people who are nearing the end of their life. End of life care aims to help you live as comfortably as possible, by managing physical symptoms and getting emotional support for you and those around you.

‘Just in case’ medicines: This describes medicines that your health care professional prescribes for you to keep at home so that they can easily be given to you at short notice.

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA): This gives another person the right to make certain decisions on your behalf.

Palliative care: Palliative care is for people living with a terminal illness. It is care designed to improve the quality of the person’s life and the lives of those who are close to them. You can receive palliative care at any stage in your illness. You can have palliative care alongside other therapies, treatments and medicines aimed at controlling your illness.

Download our end of life information (PDF, 490KB)

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