Charity calls on government to protect children’s lungs from skyrocketing fuel costs

Asthma + Lung UK responds to new report that highlights risks of increased fuel poverty on children's lung development.

Responding to the UCL Institute of Health Equity’s latest report, which finds 55% of homes could be plunged into fuel poverty next year, Henry Gregg, Director of External Affairs at Asthma + Lung UK, said:

“We must urgently protect children from the life-threatening effects of skyrocketing fuel costs. We know cold air is a trigger for people with conditions like asthma and based on the figures of this worrying report we fear thousands of children and adults with lung conditions will be priced out of breathing this winter and left fighting for breath.

“For decades the nation’s lungs have been a clear victim of poverty and health inequality. Those from the poorest parts of the country are seven times more likely to die of a lung condition than those in the richest. The UK has the worst record on lung health in the whole of Western Europe and increasing numbers of people in fuel poverty is only going to make things worse. The UK Government must urgently provide targeted financial support to people with lung conditions and on low incomes, so they can cope with rising fuel bills. This should include a full reimbursement for any electricity costs linked to life-saving medical devices such as ventilators, as well as free prescription charges for those with lung conditions so they can pay for their medication and stay well this winter. The lives of thousands more families could be put at risk if the Government doesn’t act.”