PhD support for healthcare professionals

More information on the funding available for those pursing their PhD. 

When you're studying for a PhD, supporting yourself financially can be an added worry. 

This year, we're supporting healthcare professionals who are studying for their PhD as part of our grant award funding programme, to help them take the next step in their career and become patient focused researchers. 

Who can apply? 

Healthcare professionals who have secured a PhD, or are currently undertaking their PhD in a respiratory subject and will have at least 6 months remaining at June 2024 (at the time the award is made). 

You do not have to have experience, or currently be working with, people living with lung conditions, but your PhD must involve respiratory research. 

The following healthcare professionals are able to apply: 

  • Clinical scientists 
  • Dietitians 
  • Midwives
  • Nurses 
  • Occupational therapists
  • Paramedics 
  • Physiotherapists 
  • Physiologists
  • Pharmacists
  • Practitioner psychologists 
  • Radiographers
  • Speech and language therapists 

How much funding will I receive? 

Funding awards are available for up to £30,000, or up to £10,000 per year for three years. 

However, we can't offer an award which would result in your overall stipend exceeding what you would otherwise earn on a clinical salary. So, you'll need to provide evidence of the funding amount requested as part of your application. 

How do I apply? 

Applications can be made through our Flexi-grant portal. To apply, you'll need a Flexi-grant account. This is quick and easy to set up and we have handy application advice on our application and review process page

Email if you get stuck or have any questions or concerns about Flexi-grant.

What shall I cover in my application? 

You’ll be asked to share a short description of your PhD project, including topic and aims, and how your research will contribute to improving the lives of people with lung conditions. We’ll also ask for basic information about yourself and institution, as well as what difference this bursary award will make to you financially.

What are the strings?

We’ll ask you to send us a short annual report to let us know how your PhD is going and how this award is helping you. You won’t be required to share any findings or results until your PhD has concluded. 

If you have less than one year left of your PhD at the time of the award, you’ll only need to share one final report containing your outputs, how this award has helped support you, and your career plans and ideas going forwards. This information may be shared with our supporters and beneficiaries to illustrate the impact of their donations on the future of respiratory research.