Car boot sale

Selling preloved items is not only an opportunity to clear out, it also offers a fantastic way to get out in the community and raise awareness of Asthma + Lung UK’s work. 

Here’s your checklist to ensure you’re ready to sell out!

Find your closest car boot sale

Your local school might hold one, have a look online, asking your friends and neighbours or check local groups on Facebook to find out the nearest to you and register a seller – they might give you a charity discount. If you can’t find a suitable a car boot sale in your area, you could look for local jumble trails, set up your own home sale inviting friends and neighbours or sell through online sites like Ebay.

Get together a good selection of goods

Have a good clear-out, and if you still need more why not ask friends, relatives and colleagues to do the same and offer they preloved items for your sale? Toys, items of clothing, accessories, games and homeware all sell really well!

Request Asthma + Lung UK’s materials

We can send you a banner, a collection box, and a t-shirt to wear during your sale to help you raise awareness of lung conditions and talk to people about the difference every donation makes.

Set up

Most boot sales start early, so be prepared for an early set-up time, pack a flask of tea and some snacks to keep you going throughout the day! Take a foldable table for a nice display of your items and some price labels. Bring some coins and notes with you, so in case people don’t have the right amount to give you, you can give them some change. You could also set up a fundraising page on Just Giving, so you’re customers can donate by card directly to your page.

Boost your fundraising

Take the opportunity to talk to your potential customers and let them know why you are taking part in the car boot sale. Learning more about the reasons behind your fundraising might motivate them to buy from your stall or even just pop some spare change in your collection box.